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I am currently teaching kindergarten at Lenawee Christian School in Adrian, Michigan!


Welcome to my first educational blog! I am currently working on an online class to learn more about Web 2.0 tools available to me both personally and professionally. I look forward to learning a lot this summer!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

23 Things: Thing 18 #1

What did you like about the presentation you embedded? How might Slideshare be useful in the classroom? out of the classroom?

I really liked that when you viewed a presentation that you were given suggestions for related presentations as well. Wow this could save a ton of time if you could find presentations that people have made instead of everyone recreating the wheel. I also love that you can upload files from Slideshare directly to a variety of other collaborative sites.

I chose two presentations to embed. The first is this one about multiplication which is a huge concept that third graders work on. I don't think that this presentation is particularly exciting but may at least be a great way to either begin a lesson or as a reinforcement and visual representation after I've already given some verbal introduction. We do know that all students, based on their age, have a limit to how long they can attend to instruction before they need a transition or change of materials or pace. These presentations could easily do that.


  1. Yes, isn't it marvelous? We can be "learners" all the time by viewing other peoples' content. It's so easy now to share the wealth.

  2. Yes and I think it's been a long time coming for educators.
